Thursday, August 5, 2010

Give me a few reason why you would use a top coat on nail varnish...?

I already have these answers...It helps to make the varnish last longer, gives a high shine to the coloured nails and hardens the nail to keep it strong.. Prevents your nails from chipping. ANYMORE????Give me a few reason why you would use a top coat on nail varnish...?
I think you already have your answer. What exactly are you wanting to hear....That it also protects you from random gun fire?Give me a few reason why you would use a top coat on nail varnish...?
So sorry I dont know.....
If you have a design on, it prevents it from wearing off.

Smoothens rough bits on the coloured polish.

Stops the colour discolouring.


JEE. You'd thought of all my ideas already!

Hope I helped though!!

xx God Bless
no idea
Sometimes my nail colour will leave marks on paper and other surfaces of I hit my nail on them. A top coat stops that from happening.
No it does not help to keep your nails from chipping more. Only the varnish would help with that.

But you could also try taking a multivitamin, or even eating jello can help with chipping nails.
it tastes nasty when you bite them- if you have that habbit...
hides any brush strokes that may be visable from putting on your coloured nail polish,

smoothes down any imperfections such as lumps,which can occur with an older nail polish,or unsteady hand.
what else u want? those are reasons enough......

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