Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My nail varnish went gloopy, can I fix it?

If I can what should I do?My nail varnish went gloopy, can I fix it?
You can! Other than just taking it off with nail polish remover, you can also just take a Q-Tip and dip that in nail polish remover and very lightly (barely touching the polish) run it over the ridges, they'll thin out and smooth themselves and your polish will be good as new!

If your nail polish was gloppy and thick when you put it on, you can thin it out right in the bottle by adding a few drips of polish remover to the polish it's self and giving it a good shake before you paint it on next time, too.My nail varnish went gloopy, can I fix it?
Add some nail varnish remover into the polish (only a drop or two)

should work

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